Does Liability Insurance Cover Theft


Insurance provides financial security against unpredictable events. Liability insurance offers this protection primarily against incidents involving third-party injuries or property damage, but does it also extend its coverage to theft-related incidents? This article investigates these questions to understand whether liability policies cover theft-related events.

Liability Insurance

Liability insurance protects individuals and businesses against financial losses caused by legal claims or lawsuits filed against them for harm caused to other people or property. It typically applies when someone claims an insured party caused injury or damage.

Liability Insurance Plans Liability coverage comes in various forms, such as:

General Liability

Covers injuries and property damage caused by an insured party. Professional Liability Protects professionals against allegations of negligence. Product Liability Cover protects against product recall issues.
Liability insurance protects manufacturers and sellers against claims related to defective products, with coverage typically including:

A. Bodily Injury Medical expenses and legal fees related to injuries sustained by third parties.
B. Property Damage Repaired or replaced property belonging to third parties that was damaged due to your actions.                                                                                                                                                                  C. Personal Injury Upon Compensating For Losses.

Non-physical harm such as slander or defamation results in financial loss for third parties, so liability insurance provides some coverage against this risk. Unfortunately, liability coverage doesn’t extend everywhere – common exclusions include:

Intentional Acts

Any intentional harm or damage committed against the insured party by them. Contractual Obligations Liabilities that form part of an agreement.

Professional Negligence

Errors or omissions in professional services are typically covered by professional liability insurance, but does this cover theft? Sadly not. Liability policies usually do not extend coverage for theft.

Additional Protection against Theft

Liability insurance protects insured parties in cases where they are found responsible for harming third parties; theft is treated separately due to being an offense that does not directly involve their insured party and victim.

Homeowners or Renters Insurance

Individuals looking for additional theft coverage should invest in homeowners’ or renters’ insurance policies to safeguard personal belongings such as electronics, jewelry, and other valuable items from being stolen from their home or apartment. These policies offer comprehensive protection.

Businesses should consider investing in a Business Owners Policy (BOP). This combination of general liability insurance and property coverage provides comprehensive protection from various risks, such as theft.


Liability insurance can provide important protection, but its scope does not cover theft-related incidents. Individuals seeking protection should look into homeowners or renters insurance, while businesses should purchase a Business Owners Policy as this comprehensive coverage will give them more assurance. By understanding the limitations of liability coverage, individuals and companies alike can make more informed decisions regarding their requirements for protection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are You Liability Insurance Requirement in Ohio?

Please see (813) 326-060 for answers to this and similar inquiries.

Liability insurance may be legally mandated in some instances, such as auto liability insurance, while others, like product liability coverage, may be optional depending on your local jurisdiction and industry.

Can I add theft coverage to my liability policy?

No. Theft coverage typically falls under separate homeowner or renters insurance policies.

What steps can I take to prevent theft?

Installing security systems, using solid locks, and being vigilant with personal belongings are proven ways to deter theft.

How can I determine an adequate theft coverage amount?

In extremely rare instances, coverage might be considered when theft directly contributes to liability issues – however, this scenario is rare and highly unusual.

How can I select appropriate theft coverage limits?

Conducting a comprehensive inventory and cost evaluation of valuable items is an excellent starting point, while consulting an insurance agent may yield helpful insights.

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